An excellent lubrication of chains has a deep impact on the wearing and tearing behaviour and the service life of chains. Reports prove that almost 60 per cent of all chains end up before their service life due to insufficient or incorrect lubrication.
To attain good lubrication, an adequate quantity of lubricant must reach the chain joints during every lubricating process. The main course is to deliver the lubricant in joints and small parts where the amount of lubricant used is relatively very small.
The delivery of lubricant over the chain is a very easy task and it does not require very much time. But to deliver the lubricants to the joints and edges and corners of the chains is a very difficult task. You can not use a dropper to drop at every joint. But we have a solution to this problem.
Adhesive Chain Lubricant spray comes with very impressive resistance to high temperature and water. The solvent carrier evaporates itself to leave a perfect adhesive and lubricating coating. This coating provides long-term protection from corrosion, dust, moisture, bending, stretching and e.t.c.
Here we will talk about what are the areas of application and will discuss the advantages and benefits of Adhesive Chain Lubricant Spray.
Areas of application :
Driving chains of all types and designs in open or partially enclosed operation.
Roller chains are present in cycle and motorcycle chains.
Advantages of Adhesive Chain Lubricant Spray.
Superior Penetration: This Adhesive Chain Lubricant Spray has very deeper penetration. This spray lubricant also reaches the edges and corners of chains and reduces friction a lot.
Excellent lubrication: Due to its superior penetration, Lubricant spray does very excellent lubrication and does not disturb you during your long journey with lubrication or chain problems.
Reduces Noise: Due to good lubrication, the noises produced due to the metal-to-metal contact is reduced. Since every small area of the chain gets lubricated, there is no friction during metal-to-metal contact and so there is no chance of any disturbing sound.
Good resistance to hot and cold water: Adhesive Chain Lubricant Spray provides complete protection to its adhesive film from both hot and cold water. So there is no adhesion loss when you wash your bike whether with hot or cold water. This advantage of Lubricant spray protects the adhesive film of the chain during the rainy season when there is water lodging everywhere and your chain gets submerged into it.
Corrosion protection: Lubricant spray provides protection from corrosion, dust, moisture and other media by lubricating every single inch of the chap and thus providing it with longer life. By superior penetration, it also protects the chain from other mediums like acids, alkalis etc.
Wear and tear protection: Due to operating in a varied friction range, for example, sometimes we travel on hilly and uneven areas, then the chains undergo heavy wearing and tearing but travelling on a normal plain road does not affect them very much. So protection against wearing and tearing is very important. Lubricant spray provides complete protection to the chains from wearing and tearing.